Thursday, February 16, 2012

What Others Are Saying: Syler Thomas Comes Around to Support Tebow

Syler Thomas, a pastor and freelance writer, wrote an article on Chicago Tribune's Opinion column that caught my attention.  He begins his article by praising Tebow, but midway into the article, he expresses his disenchantment after hearing seeing and hearing about him all the time.  He even brings Kurt Warner's comments about Tebow needing to tone things down.  This is where I started to question the pastor's intent.

How could a pastor be against Tebow? I thought.  I almost didn't want to finish it because it was beginning to sound like another hate article, but I gave the pastor the benefit of the doubt.  I'm glad I did because he later reflects back to an incident when he was 19 years old where his Christianity rubbed people the wrong way in his small school.  His former college professor sent him a letter telling him that Tebow reminded the professor of him because of how he stood up for his faith.  

Bingo, then it hit Thomas - he was the 19 year old version of Tebow.  Then he realized that it isn't Tebow's fault that he rubs so many people the wrong way.  Tebow is just being himself and standing up for his faith.  Much like the last article I featured on my February 11, 2012 blog by Rexcrisanto, it's the media who is drumming up all this hate toward Tebow.  Nice article pastor Thomas!

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